Tuesday, December 1, 2009

When Is Enough, Enough?

I may be writing this because of a recent event, but let not an opportunity to diss the state pass by. My bias is being spread on thick. Don't mind it, or do mind it. Either way silly rules and laws take advantage of the weak.

When I say the weak I mean the meek. The average citizen does not have the authority to question a law unless they are apart of the jury during its hearing or a player in the trial themself. Also, when persecuted for a law you are unaware of (for instance if you are out of state) you have no control whether they will lift the charges or not. No matter if you know you are right.

I could end this entry quickly by stating: "It's all about the money." The state can do whatever they please. The FDA could tell you that whiping your boogers under the car seat is grounds enough to place Purell dispensers in every car. Without the Purell dispenser everyone caught would be fined under a law stating that it was unsanitary. I mean isn't this somewhat of a true statement. The state could get away with that!

How on earth can you stand up to immoral rulings against you? When does your word stop creating your defense and become useless?

Ok so now I can vent of the recent occurence. Sounds silly. Sounds like I am overreacting. However, I am not. I am actually not that surprised, pissed, livid, or blue. I just like to take certain events in life and use them in a positive way. Perhaps I will be more concious of ways to destroy the state's power over my own personal choices next time around, perhaps.

Sept. 4th 2009:

I was driving to Salem, MA for the first time in my life (no joke). Smooth sailing on the way up no traffic or any construction. Now my return was much different than my trip there because I was stopped by a toll on the way back that I had not forseen. The toll was $3 and I did not have a dime with me. Who carries cash 24/7 these days anyway?

So I get up to the booth and tell the woman my situation thinking, I would have time to send in the $3 once I reached an ATM and mailbox before a penalty would ensue. Nope, she wrote me a violation that was $50.

Nov. 18th 2009:

There was an option to appeal my violation, which of course I did. When I received the decision a week later the wonderful, humanistic authorities of MassPort had oh-so graciously reduced my fine to $30. $30!!!!


There is something incredibly immoral about charging an honest citizen 27 more dollars because of a sheer accident. $27 can fill my gas tank. $27 could tip my waitress for a delicious dinner. $27 could buy a new pair of shoes (and if you think like I do, one might see buying shoes as a self fish act but I see it as giving the shoe salesperson some business to feed their family - and no I am plugging "trickle down" economics).

Once again I am not angry. I just wanted to take the time to show a prime example of how the average person is taken advantage of by government authority.

I took a few things away from this:

1- Massachusettes MassPort Autority has no heart (or just a dying business that needs to increase revenue this period, either way = no heart)

2- Always carry cash (one day maybe we can say Gold and Silver)

3- The State can really just tick me off sometimes....but I am NOT angry!