Tuesday, December 1, 2009

When Is Enough, Enough?

I may be writing this because of a recent event, but let not an opportunity to diss the state pass by. My bias is being spread on thick. Don't mind it, or do mind it. Either way silly rules and laws take advantage of the weak.

When I say the weak I mean the meek. The average citizen does not have the authority to question a law unless they are apart of the jury during its hearing or a player in the trial themself. Also, when persecuted for a law you are unaware of (for instance if you are out of state) you have no control whether they will lift the charges or not. No matter if you know you are right.

I could end this entry quickly by stating: "It's all about the money." The state can do whatever they please. The FDA could tell you that whiping your boogers under the car seat is grounds enough to place Purell dispensers in every car. Without the Purell dispenser everyone caught would be fined under a law stating that it was unsanitary. I mean isn't this somewhat of a true statement. The state could get away with that!

How on earth can you stand up to immoral rulings against you? When does your word stop creating your defense and become useless?

Ok so now I can vent of the recent occurence. Sounds silly. Sounds like I am overreacting. However, I am not. I am actually not that surprised, pissed, livid, or blue. I just like to take certain events in life and use them in a positive way. Perhaps I will be more concious of ways to destroy the state's power over my own personal choices next time around, perhaps.

Sept. 4th 2009:

I was driving to Salem, MA for the first time in my life (no joke). Smooth sailing on the way up no traffic or any construction. Now my return was much different than my trip there because I was stopped by a toll on the way back that I had not forseen. The toll was $3 and I did not have a dime with me. Who carries cash 24/7 these days anyway?

So I get up to the booth and tell the woman my situation thinking, I would have time to send in the $3 once I reached an ATM and mailbox before a penalty would ensue. Nope, she wrote me a violation that was $50.

Nov. 18th 2009:

There was an option to appeal my violation, which of course I did. When I received the decision a week later the wonderful, humanistic authorities of MassPort had oh-so graciously reduced my fine to $30. $30!!!!


There is something incredibly immoral about charging an honest citizen 27 more dollars because of a sheer accident. $27 can fill my gas tank. $27 could tip my waitress for a delicious dinner. $27 could buy a new pair of shoes (and if you think like I do, one might see buying shoes as a self fish act but I see it as giving the shoe salesperson some business to feed their family - and no I am plugging "trickle down" economics).

Once again I am not angry. I just wanted to take the time to show a prime example of how the average person is taken advantage of by government authority.

I took a few things away from this:

1- Massachusettes MassPort Autority has no heart (or just a dying business that needs to increase revenue this period, either way = no heart)

2- Always carry cash (one day maybe we can say Gold and Silver)

3- The State can really just tick me off sometimes....but I am NOT angry!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What Aspects of Your Life Do You Control?

I have been traveling around the New England area helping students voice their concerns and opinions about their campus and country they reside in. My favorite question to ask when a student approaches me on campus is: What Aspect of Your Life is the Government Not Involved with? What comes next is the reason why I love working with college students...
I do not ask this question in a manner that would seem as if I know the answer, because in reality I do not. I have been surprised at what some of the students have come up with as answers. However, each answer always leads the student and I to some form of government agency or law that restricts us from having compelte control over it.
Here are some popular answers that are immediately debunked, although the reasons I have listed are one of many that represent government's control over our lives, (keep in mind this is just the tip of the ice berg):
Driving: NOPE, the Department of Transportation has regulated to death everything from the cars we can drive to how we HAVE to drive them. The way we are threatened with tickets of astronomical amounts and one might even say gun point because police are armed and ready to stop us from violating the road laws.
Eating: NICE TRY, the Food and Drug Administration have taken over almost every aspect of food from farming to the way it's packaged in a store.
Walking: NADA, a student and I were talking about how you can be cited for not using a crosswalk. Both knowing that when you think it is a clear time to cross the street, who cares if it's a desginated area.
Breathing: WRONG AGAIN, the government believes that it is its duty to pass legislation like "Clean Air Act" and "Cap and Trade" which in effect taxes us to control the air we breath. One may say this is not a bad thing, however it is not good or bad we are talking about, yet who is in control.
Love: YEA RIGHT, the government, as anyone who isn't living under a rock knows, has been trying to define marraige and how we should be partnered in society.
The one answer we did find that could stand up against the rest was Spirituality. Although, many would disagree because the government and church have been working together for many years. Many people do not describe their spirituality with their church or religious establishment, they describe it within.
Spirituality is also the reason why the government will never truly control us. The spirit this movement has, as well as people in the country unaware of the control over them, gives the power to hold on and fight for the life we want for ourselves and generations to come.
I am a recent college graduate, but the spirit I see in this movement, especially with people my age and students on campuses, we will succeed

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Notorious Reasoning of Women and Why “We” Don’t Like Other Women:
Why is it that most females do not enjoy spending time with other females ? If you already have a healthy friendship with another girl that doesn’t count. What I am speaking of are the cold shoulders and disinterested dispositions one may witness among a group of unacquainted ladies. I think I have a couple ideas why, you all can disagree, deny it, press charges on me, or just think I am wrong, but these reasons make sense to me:

Instinct is the first and most scientific reason I could come up with. We are naturally competitive and want to win as human beings. So competition within the female species of humans do not see other females as friends or a part of their family, unless it is actually family. If another woman steps into some sort of territory (boyfriend, position at work, spot in line even) that sense to stand your ground takes place. This leads to those dirty looks, mumbling under the breath, and other disgusted gestures women use frequently. We are all too familiar with the “scan stare”, the up and down scanning of the eyes when a girl is checking another girl out in some sort of a curious way, not a sexual way. Most think they are inconspicuously executing this move, yet I am aware from speaking with other females that most are caught during the “scan stare” dead in their eyesight’s tracks. My favorite excuse to proceed into an altercation with another female that I have personally witnessed among my group of girlfriends growing up is, “That girl gave me a nasty look!” haha. One may think that the chances of a random person giving someone a random, “nasty” look are slim. Not with women. Some just sense the competition in their skin when that one particular women steps in their way.

The media is one of my favorite excuses for the behavior of the human race. It’s so apparent that it’s a significant role model even in the oldest of elders’ lives. Women on TV/movies/books are almost always portrayed as introverted, hard asses toward other females. For this reason many women believes that being not only promiscuously dressed as well as extremely materialistic, one must act like a complete asshole. So the media is not promoting a friendly behavior into women’s culture. To list some popular examples of this behavior in TV shows try: Real Housewives where each woman can’t stand walking out of the house without a designer hand bag and every enhanced body part displayed, which is followed by caddy attacks on their co-star’s classiness. Rock of Love shows that women are to face their competition and either stab them in the back or become sexually attracted to them. Some choice given by the structure of the show for a group of women chasing after a womanizer! My heart goes out to them, but this is not about their self-image or how to rehabilitate their confidence. I want to find true reasons why women are so threatened by each other.

Insecurities is the most obvious explanation for the lack of camaraderie among women. I experienced it tonight as I walked through the aisle at a TJ Maxx. One of the cashiers was tall, slender and had a pretty face. The other two cashiers were dogging on her for being so tan. Mind you people could hear their conversation, but the cold words did not seize, how professional. They were saying, “How do you stay so tan?” When in reality any idiot would know that she used a tanning bed. The purpose of asking the dumb question was to get her to admit that her beauty was artificial, thus making them feel better about their overweight and pasty selves. This is just one of many examples I am sure all of you have encountered or have fallen victim to as well. This is only writing to dig deeper into the sensitivity of the topic, however words of wisdom should be welcomed at any rate. As old school as this may sound, targeting other’s flaws in order to make yours not as visible for a short span of time does nothing. As indoctrinated as we as women have become to remain competitive, stand out, and control our surroundings with our physical self, nothing comes from making someone feel worse. If anything it just makes you ugly. You become uglier with ridiculing words and stares. Here’s a thought. How about lift the spirits of your fellow female friend? Perhaps even compliment them without the underlying sarcasm or fake tone of voice. Maybe we could even break away from talking about how cute your shoes are or what awesome hair she has. The media tells us it’s all about our physical appearance and sexuality. I am not saying that physical attributes should not matter; I think they are very important in building a personality and a woman. I am proud of my outside, but I want other’s perception of me to be fairly based on both by inner self as well as the shell. Next time you plan on throwing a fake comment out, unless it is one of those awkward moments when you really have nothing else to say (lol), try saying something that you’ve never said before. Try complimenting a woman on her emotional strength, her ability to balance her job and free time, or inquire about her family, education, or hobbies.

Personal perspective from a woman:
I myself couldn’t help but wonder what lies beneath women’s coldness to those who share their gender? I have found myself on occasion, particularly in the presence of a women I feel I have just bonded with, saying “how refreshing to have met a woman I can relate too, I usually get along with men better.” I’m sure some of you may share my sentiments and if not you may know of women who do. Why is this? Why is it that so many women feel that they can get along with men better than women? Because I can’t speak for other women, I took some time to examine why I myself feel this way sometimes. For some reason we feel that we are in constant competition with other women.

For me it all boiled down to Ego, the negative aspects of ourselves that we most often choose not to acknowledge. The critic in us feels that if we can put ourselves above someone else, even if only in our minds, then we have advantage over them. We all have insecurities, a lack of confidence in some area or another. Instead of praising women for having the attributes that we ourselves feel that we lack, we tend to pick them apart for it. If you see a woman that has the confidence to wear something you might be too modest to wear yourself, you judge her. Maybe she is getting positive attention for her boldness instead of congratulating her for having the confidence that so many women lack, our first instinct is to put her down. Unfortunately it so often has to do with male attention. If a woman is getting male attention that you are not getting she is a slut, whore, bimbo, etc… If a woman feels the same about you getting male attention she is not getting, she’s a hater. There is a noticeable lack of camaraderie within our gender that you just don’t see with men. Perhaps there is still remaining an animal instinct within us to fight each other for mates. I am no anthropologist but perhaps there was a time when the male population was dwindling and in order for a woman to assure her survival she had to fight other women for a mate. In a modern world with a population that is soaring, I don’t think it is realistic that we would have to fight each other to have a man. However, we may need to fight each other for good men. Whatever the definition of a good man is for you, you want to make sure you get it before someone else does. ….