Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What Aspects of Your Life Do You Control?

I have been traveling around the New England area helping students voice their concerns and opinions about their campus and country they reside in. My favorite question to ask when a student approaches me on campus is: What Aspect of Your Life is the Government Not Involved with? What comes next is the reason why I love working with college students...
I do not ask this question in a manner that would seem as if I know the answer, because in reality I do not. I have been surprised at what some of the students have come up with as answers. However, each answer always leads the student and I to some form of government agency or law that restricts us from having compelte control over it.
Here are some popular answers that are immediately debunked, although the reasons I have listed are one of many that represent government's control over our lives, (keep in mind this is just the tip of the ice berg):
Driving: NOPE, the Department of Transportation has regulated to death everything from the cars we can drive to how we HAVE to drive them. The way we are threatened with tickets of astronomical amounts and one might even say gun point because police are armed and ready to stop us from violating the road laws.
Eating: NICE TRY, the Food and Drug Administration have taken over almost every aspect of food from farming to the way it's packaged in a store.
Walking: NADA, a student and I were talking about how you can be cited for not using a crosswalk. Both knowing that when you think it is a clear time to cross the street, who cares if it's a desginated area.
Breathing: WRONG AGAIN, the government believes that it is its duty to pass legislation like "Clean Air Act" and "Cap and Trade" which in effect taxes us to control the air we breath. One may say this is not a bad thing, however it is not good or bad we are talking about, yet who is in control.
Love: YEA RIGHT, the government, as anyone who isn't living under a rock knows, has been trying to define marraige and how we should be partnered in society.
The one answer we did find that could stand up against the rest was Spirituality. Although, many would disagree because the government and church have been working together for many years. Many people do not describe their spirituality with their church or religious establishment, they describe it within.
Spirituality is also the reason why the government will never truly control us. The spirit this movement has, as well as people in the country unaware of the control over them, gives the power to hold on and fight for the life we want for ourselves and generations to come.
I am a recent college graduate, but the spirit I see in this movement, especially with people my age and students on campuses, we will succeed

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